How Facebook Can Be Used as a Marketing Consultant

Facebook has been one of the most important marketing platforms for quite some time now. With over a billion active monthly users around the world, over $7.5 billion was spent last year on Facebook advertising alone.

Sensing opportunity, Facebook is starting to position itself less as a platform and more as a marketing consultant. Below, you’ll find exactly what Facebook is doing, what it means for your business, and how you can start leveraging it to your advantage:

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Why Video is the Best Form of Content Marketing

Recently Cisco released a report that is going to have market content creators jumping. They predicted by the end of by the end 2019 consumer internet video traffic will surpass 80% that’s a huge jump considering we were at 64% in 2014. In fact “it would take an individual over 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2019”

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