Why Video is the Best Form of Content Marketing

Recently Cisco released a report that is going to have market content creators jumping. They predicted by the end of by the end 2019 consumer internet video traffic will surpass 80% that’s a huge jump considering we were at 64% in 2014. In fact “it would take an individual over 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2019”

They predict that most of this video will be consumer through mobile devices. Corresponding with this they predict that between 2014 and 2019 mobile data traffic will emerge at three times the rate of fixed IP traffic.

By now there’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is here to stay. If video isn’t part of your marketing strategy then it needs to be. Video content brings a number of things that non-video content cant.

 Retain Attention

In todays digital era retaining consumers attention is harder then ever with the amount of content and information being produced every second of the day. Marketers are constantly looking for ways to grab consumers attention long enough to get them to listen to their marketing message or call-to-action.

One way around this though is creating video content that is unique and informative. Show don’t tell, creating a video that has creative visuals to go along with your message will help the consumer absorb the information better and remember it. Everybody loves a good story so using visuals can really help tell or show off your company or product in a unique and interesting way

 Higher Engagement

Videos give marketers a good way to engage with its fans while also gaining new ones. Creating videos give you a chance to entertain consumers while also delivering your marketing message. A highly engaging video also has the possibility of going viral. People love to share, if they find a video that they think is funny or cool they are going to share it on social media and among their networks.

Technology Loves Videos

With video content becoming more popular among marketers and consumers, technology is becoming increasingly friendlier towards video related content. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and vine all make uploading video content extremely easy and sharable. Videos also allow you to measure drop off points, amount of replays and amount of times watched.

Rise in Accessibility

From social media to YouTube to mobile devices, people have access to video related content almost at all points in their day, which means marketers have the ability to reach consumers almost any second of the day. Experts are even trying to figure out how to make video accessibility more quickly because they realize the potential for news, education and entertainment markets.

Emotional Connection Creator

Videos are able to get its viewers to feel some sort of emotion, which is more likely to drive them to perform an action. The more emotion your video brings out of people the more likely they are going to download, visit your website or follow through with your call to action.

Maybe you want to get someone to try a new product that you just released, so you create a video that will make him or her feel like their missing out and create anxiety. Or maybe you want to create a video for your non-profit organization so you create a video that will make them feel bad and then they follow through with donating or volunteering. Emotion is a great motivator, when people feel some sort of emotional connection they are far more likely to feel compelled to follow through with what your asking them to do.

Conversation creator

The best form of marketing comes from word of mouth. People are far more likely to buy a product or look something up if they hear about it first hand from their personal networks. Videos are a great way to do this, if you create a video that catches peoples attention and makes them talk about it and share it amongst their personal networkers then they are far more likely to follow through with an action.

If you need a little help getting started with your video marketing services campaign, Blue Wave Marketing is the perfect partner for you. We have 20 years of experience helping small, medium, and large-sized businesses with their marketing planning and strategy. We’re experts in online videos that can take you from planning to implementation in the blink of an eye.

To contact us, all you need to do is visit us at our website or call us at 617-576-3100.