Why an Outsourced Marketing Team Makes Sense for Startups and Product Launch Programs

If you’re a startup or launching a new product in the market, marketing is your lifeblood. You need to get the word out about your products and services. You have to make sure your brand is strong enough to stand out from the competition. And most of all, you need to make sure that your marketing stays on-time and on-budget.

Here are several ways an outsourced marketing team makes sense for startups or if you’re launching a new product:

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Don’t Make These 4 Common Mistakes with Your Video Advertising

If you’ve paid attention to some of our previous messages, you know how valuable a video campaign can be. The right videos can do things like create leads, improve ROI, and generate revenue.

Many companies dive head-first into a video campaign, ready to tap into this incredible potential. When their videos fail to match their expectations, they declare the medium a failure and move on.  … Read More