What is Smarketing All About?


Smarketing is the combination of both sales and marketing. 87 percent of the time these two different teams describe each other in a negative light. However, if they do work in harmony with one another, they could cause a 20 percent increase in annual revenue growth. There are a few different ways to get on the same team as each other. Both teams must have related goals; they should receive compensation centered on achieving each other’s goals, and they should be able to see each other’s progress.


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Email Still Works!


When most people think of email marketing, the first things that pops up in their head is “spam” and “old school”. However, little do they know it is still very effective. There are over 3.2 billion email accounts today. Not only do most online consumers have an email account, but 91% of them also check it once a day. It is still an overall great way to reach your audience because it can be very personal to your consumer and it has a long life span.

Email is beneficial for many different stages of marketing. First off, it can attract new customers. You are able to send a personalized message to people that grabs their attention and makes them want to become your customer. They allow you to build a better relationship with your leads. It is important to alter the emails so your leads become more involved with you. However, your emails don’t just have to be sending a message, they should allow your customers to send you responses as well.

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