Why Video Advertising is Great for Small Businesses Too

When you think of video advertising, you probably think of larger companies. The truth is that online video is accessible for everybody. With the power of technology today, high-quality videos can be made by almost any business, no matter how small.

As a small business, you need to take a hard look at video advertising. It’s a great way to compete against larger companies on a level playing field.

Continue on to read about why it’s critical for a small business to leverage video advertising. After that, you can take a look at two small businesses that were able to create world-class videos without a Hollywood-sized budget.

Benefits for a Small Business

One of the biggest disadvantages small businesses face is their marketing budget. Without the large revenue streams of bigger companies, there isn’t as much room for huge marketing endeavors.

This is one way video marketing shines. Many marketing professionals find that online video advertising has the best ROI out of all marketing functions. This means you’ll be able to enjoy great results while staying within your budget.

Another challenge small businesses face is their reach. Without a huge marketing budget, it’s difficult to reach a large audience. Nationwide television and radio ads are incredibly expensive. Online video is a great way to combat this. Its reach is staggering. Take a look at these numbers from a previous blog post:

  • YouTube reaches more people than Netflix or cable television does.
  • Cisco believes mobile data usage is going to increase ten times over by 2018.
  • Older demographics are quickly catching up to younger folks in terms of mobile video usage.

Online video gives small businesses a unique opportunity to play with the big boys on an even playing field. Here’s two examples of small businesses that were able to do just that:

Video advertising

With video advertising, you’ll be competing globally just like everybody else!

Dollar Shave Club Goes Viral

Dollar Shave Club’s video is a great example of how to introduce your product. The CEO, Michael Dubin, stands in front of the camera and explains his product. What made the video go viral was the outstanding injection of humor and personality.

Within 15 seconds, you’re hooked. By the time the minute-and-a-half-long video is over, you’ve been thoroughly entertained and educated. By creating an authentic, personable video, Dollar Shave Club went viral. Currently, the video has well over 18 million views. You can check it out here or you can check them out at DollarShaveClub.com.

Phonebloks Introduces a Concept

You don’t have to use humor to go viral. You don’t even need an actual product! In 2013, a company called Phonebloks created an explainer video. Their video described the problem of technology waste, and introduced a concept to reduce waste. Their goal wasn’t to sell product, it was only to raise awareness.

By using simple animations and a clear message, their campaign was a huge hit. According to their website, the campaign created a social media reach of 389 million people. Their YouTube video alone has had over 20 million views.

Not bad for an organization without a product to sell! You can check out their video here.


Video advertising

Even if it’s just an idea, you can sell it with video advertising!

If you need help coming up with a video advertising campaign for your small business, Blue Wave Marketing is the perfect partner. In addition to our online video expertise, we have almost 20 years of marketing experience. You can contact us by visiting our website or call us at 617-576-3100.


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