What You Need to Craft a Stellar Brand Strategy

Your brand is how the world perceives your business. It’s what makes you unique. If your brand is non-existent, customers aren’t going to have any reason to choose you over your competition.

A strong brand adds significant value. Millward Brown, a world-renowned market research company, estimates the value of brands every year. In 2013, they found that Apple, Google, and IBM all had brands worth over $100 billion.

Here’s everything you need to know about planning, implementing, and strengthening your brand:

Choosing a Brand That Resonates

The first thing you need to focus on when creating a branding strategy is making your brand stand out. What makes you unique? Why should people choose you over other competitors? What can they expect from you? A strong brand answers all of these questions.

To craft a successful branding strategy, you need to know your target market. Your brand should connect with them and motivate them to purchase. As your customer evolves, make sure your brand does, too. Don’t be the company that sticks to its guns and gets left behind.

Carving an Identity

Once you’ve decided on your branding strategy, you need to put it into action. Here’s what you should do to get your brand to stick:

  • Design. Invest in graphic design to make a memorable logo. Create templates for all your marketing materials. Use the same color design and style as your logo.
  • Develop a voice. The tone needs to stay consistent across your brand. Train your employees to communicate properly. Make sure to focus on the key messages you want to convey.
  • Integrate completely. Your brand has to permeate every aspect of your business. This includes your secretaries, office attire, and website. Make sure your brand is consistent across all channels. If it isn’t consistent, you’ll risk confusing and losing customers.
  • Stay memorable. Remember that your brand is all about letting people know who you are. Focus on a catchy, memorable slogan or motto that instantly identifies you.
  • Focus on employees. For the majority of customers, your employees are the most important extension of your brand. Thoroughly train them on your expectations. When you hire new employees, focus on how well they’ll fit into your brand and culture.

Brand strategy

Your brand can be the friendliest in the world, but if your employees are crazy it doesn’t matter!

Strengthening Your Brand With Media

A strong promotional video campaign is a great way to boost your branding efforts. Videos are incredibly shareable and popular. In fact, a recent Forbes survey found that the majority of people prefer videos over any other marketing offer. This includes white papers, case studies, live demos, and eBooks.

Beyond popularity, videos are the best way to get your message to sink in. Information that’s transmitted via a video will be four times as memorable as a video ad or paper-based campaign. This is because humans tend to remember things much better when it uses a mixture of audio and visual clues rather than just one or the other.

Brand strategy

Videos are a great way to pump your marketing efforts up!

This is why a company like Blue Wave Marketing is perfect to help you out. Our 20 years of experience in strategy and research will help you build the perfect campaign. Our expertise with video campaigns will make sure it sticks.

If you’d like help developing your brand, reach out to us today! You can contact us by visiting us at our website or calling us at 617-576-3100.