What to Look for When Choosing Promotional Products

Promotional products are an effective marketing strategy to help expand your brand awareness.  Choosing the right promotional product is a challenge.  Here are some ways to help you with your promotional marketing.



Consider the location where you are distributing the promotional products.  If you are distributing your promotional items at trade shows or exhibits chances are your audience will be traveling to these locations. Therefore, make sure your products are travel-friendly. Some of the most travelable items are apparel or small office supplies.  Thus, branded apparels are great promotional items.




Know your audience

When choosing promotional items make sure you choose an item that your audience will find useful. Also, when distributing your promotional giveaways to your target market make sure that you are selective with who receive the item.  By carefully selecting your audience it adds value to your product.  When deciding on items for your promotional giveaway make sure that it corresponds with your company’s message and image. 


Know your options

An effective marketing campaign involves integrating promotional products with your additional marketing strategies.  Hub Spot’s article, “How to Make the Most of Your Content: An Integrated Promotion Strategy for the Modern Marketer” mentions combing promotional products with other media promotions can offer a greater opportunity of targeting an audience.  This works well with branded promotional products. 



Quality is important when choosing promotional items.  Your products should be memorable and unique.  Your products should convey your company’s story, your mission, and your purpose.  The main purposes of promotional products are to have your target audience remember your company and expand your brand awareness.  As a result, it is more important to have a higher quality product than high quantities of a product.


Plan it out

Once you have decided on a promotional product the next step is to plan the distribution process.  If your promotional items are part of a campaign, ensure that you have a budget and goals in place to successfully achieve the campaign.  As mentioned in Hub Spot’s article, “How to Make the Most of Your Content: An Integrated Promotion Strategy for the Modern Marketer”, consider your goals, budget, and timing of the campaign to ensure the best results.


Promotional marketing can help expand your brand awareness through effectively using promotional products.


Here at Blue Wave Marketing, we have over 20 years of promotional marketing experience. We create innovative products that will excite your audience.  If you believe that Blue Wave Marketing is the right promotional marketing partner, we’d be happy to arrange a consultation with you.  For more information, call us at 617-576-3100.


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