What Kind of Video Production Services Does Your Company Need?

Video marketing is quickly taking the corporate world by storm. More consumers than ever have access to smartphones, tablets, and other devices that they love to watch videos with. Because of this, video marketing is arguably the most effective marketing channel available today.

Take a look at some of these incredible statistics that prove exactly how effective video marketing is today:

  • Video improves the rate of mobile purchases by about 40%.
  • Video improves the rate of conversions on landing pages by about 80%.
  • Video increases email open rates by 20% on average and can triple click-through rates.
  • Video boosts conversions on product pages by well over 100%.

If your company isn’t spending time developing and distributing corporate videos, you’re missing a huge opportunity. Video marketing might seem like it has a high barrier to entry, but getting started really isn’t that difficult. All you need to do is find the right partner to help you hit the ground running.

Below, we’ll discuss exactly how you can get started with video marketing, what types of videos you need to consider, and tell you everything you need to do to make sure your video is as professional as possible.


Getting Started With Video Marketing – The Benefit of Having a Partner

Because video marketing is so important, you need to make a great first impression. If you start off with subpar content your viewers will be less likely to view anything else in the future. It could sink your whole campaign before it ever gets off the ground. When you’re getting started, it really pays to have an experienced partner watching your back.

That’s why production value is absolutely essential. Your script has to be tight and targeted, but the video itself needs to be strong. A poorly shot video jolts the audience away from its story and gives them the chance to notice your mistakes instead. These mistakes can include poor audio, lower resolutions, or haphazard camera cuts.

One reason many companies balk at leveraging a video production partner is the cost. Usually, though, it’s actually more expensive to take things completely in-house. Professional grade video cameras, microphones, and editing software are costly. Beyond that, you need to interrupt your own staff’s time in order to shoot the videos yourselves. Using a partner saves you prohibitive equipment costs and lets your employees spend their time on all their normal responsibilities and duties.

Finally, it’s also valuable to simply have an outside opinion. A quality video services partner knows what works and what doesn’t. They’ll have plenty of useful pointers on how to shoot your videos and what content works best for your goals. You’ll be able to use their advice and direction for years to come, even if you don’t use them once you’ve gotten into a groove.
Video production

The easiest way to get started with corporate video
marketing is by finding a production company to partner with.


Creating a Professional Video

Now that we’re ready to get started with our video marketing campaign, it’s important to know exactly what a quality professional video consists of. Here are the key components to a successful corporate video:

  • Strategy. Each video has to be a part of a much larger campaign. You need to have a clear audience in mind and use your videos to provide them valuable information, entertainment, or both. Every video must include a clear call-to-action.
  • Content. The content is tied closely to your strategy, as it depends entirely on your target audience and what they care about. Your videos must be tightly scripted and kept as short as possible.
  • Technical components. This includes everything that’s required to shoot your video, included the aforementioned microphones, video cameras, and editing software. It also includes sets, locations, props, actors, and anything else that’s required to take your video from the page to the tape.
  • Distribution method. If your strategy, content, and technical components are all right on target but you can’t find your audience, all of your effort is wasted. You need to know where your audience is and use the appropriate channels to make sure your video gets promoted and watched. Ideally, your video campaign will be closely integrated with the rest of your marketing, both driving and receiving traffic from other channels.

Some of these activities can be taken in-house. Planning, scripting, and even distributing can be done completely in-house, even if it’s valuable to ask your partner for their input. The best idea when you’re getting started, however, is to involve your partner from the start, allowing them to help you with every aspect of your video campaign. Their input will ensure your strategies are sounds, and help every trickle down successfully from that.
Video production

Shooting a video involves a great deal of technical components, no matter how easy it looks.


Building a Full Portfolio of Useful Video Content

In order to make the most of your video marketing, you need a huge library of content. To keep the creative juices flowing and your audience entertained, you’ll want to make sure there’s a variety of videos available.

Here are some of the most valuable videos a strong production company can help you create:

  • Product videos that educate your viewers about its most important features and benefits.
  • Q&A sessions with your audience that answer their most important and frequent inquiries.
  • Interviews with other industry experts that give your audience some additional information and position your company as experts, too.
  • Case studies that show how you have helped previous companies in the past, including client recommendations and interviews whenever possible.
  • How-to videos that show your audience new and exciting ways to use your products.
  • Culture videos that give your audience a peek behind the curtains, making your company personable and relatable.
  • Live streams that show in-progress product demos, conventions, guest speakers, or anything else your audience finds interesting and valuable.

The right video partner will be able to help you figure out which of these videos will work best for your company and your audience in addition to planning and implementing the rest of your campaign.