The Power of Promotional Products


A very important factor that a company should be concerned with is building awareness for its brand. It is crucial to get your name recognized by your customers. Promotional products are a very efficient way in order to do so.   After receiving a branded promotional product, consumers are 85% more likely to do business with that company, and 2nd only to billboards, promotional products offer the lowest cost per impression (CPI) of any form of media. They can range anywhere from hats and t-shirts to pencils, bags and almost a million different items.


Promotional products are like a line of communication to your customers. Not only do they allow you to strengthen the relationship you have with existing customers, you can attract new potential customers as well.  Moreover, they improve relationships and they stick around for a while – much longer than the few seconds of an online ad or a commercial.  58% of people who receive a promotional product keep it for one to four or more years. The giving of a promotional product also makes the customer feel like they should offer something back, which means they will most likely end up doing business with you. This is what you want your customer to feel.


With a promotional product, you can decide exactly what image you want to give to your consumers. If you are giving it out, people will be sure to take it, and they will judge your company based on it. It is important to make your image memorable and clear for the customer so they come back for more. It is said that 83% consumers enjoy getting a promotional product with an advertising message on it. Also, when it comes to promotional products, you do not have to restrict yourself to who you send it to. This is your chance to promote yourself to people you usually wouldn’t reach!


When you give people are promotional product, they are not the only ones who will see it. They will show it to their friends and family, which will further allow your brand to have even more potential reach. 53% of consumers use a promotional product at least once a week.


Promotional products remain a very effective marketing and promotional tactic that delvers real results.

