Make Your Videos Social

The sharing aspect of your video is just as important as the content that you put in it. Creating the content and associated marketing for your video comes first, then comes the social push generated by the audience engaging with and sharing your content.


Don’t look past the importance of choosing the right social media site to share your video. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr are great for sharing videos and will optimize your chances of being shared. Choose a site that will create buzz for your video and be a place to get social and interact with the people who enjoy the content you put out.

When choosing the right social media site to share your video on, don’t forget to find your audience. It’s important that you share a video that will spark a conversation with your audience. In order to start that conversation, you have to know where your audience spends most of their time. At the moment, Facebook is gaining a lot of ground and marketers are utilizing all facets of video marketing to capitalize on it.



Need help utilizing social media sites to market your videos?
If you don’t have a lot of experience creating videos, Blue Wave Marketing is here to help. We have 20 years of experience helping Fortune 500 companies market and enhance their brand. We’ll be able to work with you to develop your ideal message, then help you build the perfect videos to convey it. 

You can contact us by visiting us at our website or calling us at 617-576-3100.

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