Get Your Content Marketing Noticed

Content marketing is one of the most powerful forms of promotion available today. There’s no better way to drive engagement, brand your company, and reach a massive audience at a low cost.

Research has proven that content can dramatically improve the following metrics:

  • Marketing ROI.
  • Search engine rank.
  • Consumer trust and engagement.
  • Marketing reach.

To take advantage of this, you have to make sure your content is getting noticed. To figure out exactly how to do that, keep reading!

Getting Your Content Noticed

Creating shareable content isn’t a mysterious process, or luck of the draw. Following some very simple steps can boost your numbers quickly.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Keep busy. Volume is vital to your success. You need to keep churning out quality content to get noticed. You should be producing one piece a week at minimum. Ideally, you’ll create more. Dedicate time each work to producing content to make sure it’s a priority.
  • Switch it up. If you aren’t seeing results, try something else. Keep testing a variety of styles, formats, and strategies until you find some that work. Practice makes perfect.
  • Promote sharing. It makes sense: if you want people to share your content, give them the tools to do so. Beyond that, studies have proven that people are more likely to like content that has already been liked. Make sure to include all the relevant tools to easily share your content across social media. Close with calls to action asking for shares.
  • Leverage emotional value. Posts with emotional headlines are more likely to be shared. You can focus on intellectual, empathetic, or spiritual emotional value. Your headline should contain as many emotional words as possible, without going over 20 words.


Content marketing

If you want your content shared, you need to start typing away!

Building Great Content

Of course, the biggest factor in shareability is the quality of your content. Here are some easy ways to make sure your content is up to par:

  • Stay relevant. Focus on writing about what your audience cares about. Your competition will be doing the same thing. Make sure to tailor your content to your specific audience and brand. Tying it to current events can give you a short-term boost, but you’ll need to repurpose the content later to make it evergreen.
  • Less is more. People are less likely to finish long, extravagant posts. This means they’ll be less likely to share them. Make your posts extremely readable by using lots of white space. You do this by keeping sentences short, using 2-3 sentence paragraphs, and using lots of bullet points.
  • Use multimedia. Images and video inherently get lots of shares. Multimedia content is easy to digest, and easy to share. Add at least two or three images to your posts. Supplement them with infographics and promotional videos.
  • Partner up. You can reach a brand-new audience if you’re willing to partner up. A guest blogger is a great way to do this. You could also try reviewing something, or writing about another brand and tagging them. Starbucks would be a great example. They may retweet or respond, sharing your content with an enormous audience!


Content marketing

Going at it alone is an easy way to never get noticed!

If you need help developing the perfect content strategy for your company, Blue Wave Marketing is the perfect partner. We have over twenty years of marketing expertise with all types of content, including blog posts and videos. For more information, visit us at our website or call at 617-576-3100.