Corporate Video Production: Why More Fortune 500 Companies are Jumping In

Video marketing has truly arrived. In 2016, over 70% of all companies are set to significantly increase their video marketing budget. In total, this amounts to billions and billions of dollars spent solely on corporate video production.

The charge is led by Fortune 500 companies who want to make sure that their brands have a strong digital presence. What you’re wondering is exactly why these industry behemoths are pumping so much money into online videos, and whether or not it makes sense for you. To help you out, here are seven of the biggest reasons that Fortune 500 companies are jumping into video marketing head-first:


Mobile Use is Booming

Video’s short, engaging format is perfect for mobile users looking to grab their information on the go. With apps like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, video is becoming more accessible and popular by the day.

In an increasingly mobile world, reaching out to this audience grows more and more important. Last year, the number of mobile users overtook the number of traditional computer users for the first time ever. That means video is the best option you have if you want to reach your digital audience.


Viewability is Growing

Previously, companies were rightfully concerned that their videos were playing but not being seen. Too often, users would scroll past videos and trigger them, then continue scrolling down their feed, letting the video go unwatched. Recently, this has been changing.

Video viewability is growing quickly. A recent survey found that video viewability grew by nearly 10% in the last quarter alone. Total completion rate improved from 20% to 26% as well. With videos finally starting to get noticed and completed, there’s no better time to start focusing on your corporate video production.


SEO Needs Help

As Google constantly changes their SEO algorithms, it’s difficult for small and mid-sized companies to improve their search ranks for a long period of time. Every Google search you perform results in multiple results – you’ll find web pages, news articles, images, and videos. Because there’s much less competition for video content, you’ll have an easier time getting on the front page than you would with a blog post.

You’ll also want to consider the benefits of appearing in YouTube searches. There are billions of YouTube users searching for videos every single year, and posting your videos on that massive platform allows you to show up on a whole new batch of searches.
Corporate video production

If you’re struggling to generate any organic search traffic, video offers
you a viable shortcut to the front page.


Videos Have a Major Impact

When it comes to educating your audience and sharing critical information, online video is in a class of its own. Take a look at how online video performs in some key engagement stats versus TV ads:

  • Message recall – 40% to 20%.
  • Brand recall – 50% to 27%.
  • Ad likeability – 28% to 17%.

If you want your brand and message to stick, online video is going to be hard to beat.


They See a Return on Their Investment

Major companies don’t like to spend money if they’re not going to get the right kind of return. The fact that they’re starting to spend should be proof enough that video is effective, but studies prove this as well. In fact, several marketing professionals were recently asked what they believe the marketing channel that provides them the highest ROI. More than 50% of them said that it was video marketing.

If you have a very limited marketing budget and need to get the most bang for your buck, you need to give corporate video production some serious consideration.


Gives Email Much Needed Help

Email rates are dropping quickly as more and more companies flood consumer Inboxes. If you can’t find a way to stand out from your competition you might as well not bother sending them any messages.

Video is the perfect way to do that. Including videos in your emails is proven to improve opens and click-throughs by enormous amounts. Simply including the word video in your subject line can even dramatically reduce the amount of unsubscriptions each email receives. If your email marketing campaigns are starting to stagnate and underperform, email is the shot of adrenaline that you need.
Corporate video production

If you need help making sure that people open your emails,
video is a great tool for your arsenal.


Lets Your Brand Show Off

Building up brand loyalty is incredibly valuable. Today’s audience doesn’t want to purchase from just anybody. They want to identify with your brand and know that you stand with them. If you can form that relationship with them, they’ll be more likely to return as a customer and be willing to pay a brand premium for your products versus your competition.

Video works well for brand-building because it allows you to put a face to your company. Other marketing materials simply can’t capture your brand’s people like videos can. Filming your office, your employees, and your clients is the perfect way to show exactly who you are and what you stand for, making you more than just another faceless corporation.

If you’re looking to get started with corporate video production but aren’t sure where to start, Blue Wave Marketing is the best partner for you. We have over 20 years of marketing experience and top-notch video production services. We’ve been able to help companies reach their audience with the power of online video no matter how big or small they are. We’ll be happy to take you through the entire process, from planning to execution.

For more information on how Blue Wave Marketing can help you drive results with video production, make sure to download our free eBook Optimizing Video for Epic Results by clicking here.