8 Steps for Designing a Winning Corporate Video Marketing Program


When considering video as a part of your organization’s marketing mix, you will want to step back and carefully plan your video strategy. With all of the buzz and the supporting data about the importance and value of video marketing today, how does a company go about crafting an effective campaign? Here are steps I recommend following when developing your company’s video marketing program:

1. Define Your Campaign Objectives: Determine and define the primary goal(s) of your video marketing campaign, and set realistic targets to reach for a successful campaign. The kinds of objectives of your program may include: new lead generation; increasing revenues of current customers; brand awareness; direct sales; etc., noting that the kind of videos you will be creating will be different for different objectives.

2. Identify your target audience and the kinds of video content they find most interesting. With analytics, it is possible to understand your target audience’s preferences and behaviors in regards to video. You can gain insight about the types and formats of videos they find most compelling, which social media channels they are most engaged with, the length of videos they watch, and the kinds of videos they are searching for and sharing with friends and colleagues.

3. Review your brand’s marketing strategy and messaging. Before designing your online video program, review and have a clear picture of your company’s overall marketing strategy, messaging and brand guidelines. Your video campaign should support and align with the larger vision.

4. Develop your campaign messaging. Develop relevant and concise messaging for your target audience that will lay the foundation for your online video program. Define the ideas and messaging you want to convey to your audience.

5. Tell your story effectively in an interesting and compelling way. As defined earlier, “Content Marketing is about creating interesting information your customers are passionate about so they actually pay attention to you.” Make sure you develop strong creative, supported by good writing and storytelling, to engage your target audience and drive results.

6. Consider a range of video production options. In addition to on-site video shoots, consider shooting off-site or on a sound stage, hiring professional talent, using 2D/3D animation and mixing video with motion graphics. Be sure to support your video program with the right level of professional production values and realistic budgets.

7. Plan your distribution channels and ensure reliable streaming. Make sure you have a clear and well planned distribution strategy for your video content to be seen, heard and shared by your followers, clients and prospects. You will want to post your video content on your website and across your company’s social media channels. Also be sure your videos can be reliably streamed everywhere your audience might view them.

8. Drive campaign traffic and measure results. Gain viewership by using a variety of campaigns – emails, social media campaigns, print ads, etc. – to drive traffic. Be sure to analyze the response and engagement from your campaign to measure its success and identify ways to improve results in the future.


Is your company considering producing videos, or developing an enhanced video marketing program to drive results? Have you developed a strategic plan to reach your goals? Give Blue Wave Marketing a call, and we’re happy to help you produce a successful video marketing campaign. 617-576-3100 or contact@bluewavemarketing.com.


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