5 Video Marketing Myths

 Video marketing is an essential component to a company’s marketing strategies. This marketing approach continues to increase among many marketers.  Here are some of the top myths about video marketing.

1.  Too expensive 

Many believe that Video productions are an expensive marketing tactic.  However, there are many affordable ways to create a high quality video production while staying within your budget.  Investing in video marketing is one of the most successful ways to increase your ROI.  Working with video production services can help you decide your budget and create a high quality video that fits your budget.



2. High Viewership means success

Although viewerships are important in a video production, it is not the most important element. As stated in the article, 12 Common Misconceptions about Marketing by Vidyard, successful corporate video productions can be measured by your video’s click-through rate, subscription rate, and ROI.  Viewerships do not necessarily generate business.  However, the number of subscriptions and click-through rates helps measure success. 


3. All videos must go viral

The purpose of a video production is to expand brand awareness and expose your business to new clients.  Attracting the right audience is more important than getting high viewership.  When producing your video ensure your video production ideas are engaging to your target market and meet their needs.  High quality videos that are interesting to your audience will ensure that the right audience is viewing your video.


 4.  Videos are extra

Today, more people are turning to videos to gather information.  As a result, video productions are a must have for any company.  Vidyard’s article, 12 Common Misconceptions about Marketing, states in the next three years, over 80% of Internet traffic will come through videos.  Additionally, after an audience views a promotional video or other video production, they are 64% more likely to purchase a product from the company. 


5.  Details, Details, Details

Keeping your video short is more important than including plenty of information. A viewers’ attention spam is limited so you want to engage them within the first few seconds of the video and keep them engaged with plenty of visual aids.  Remember, an eye-catching call to action helps the viewer remember your brand once the video is over. 


Including specific elements into your video production helps make your video a success.


Here at Blue Wave Marketing, we have over 20 years of video production experience. We help clients create high quality videos through our experience in creative direction, postproduction editing, and storyboard development.  If you believe Blue Wave Marketing is the perfect video productions partner, we would be happy to set up a consultation with you. For more information call 617-576-3100.


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