4 Facebook Updates for Video Marketers to Know

By now, we know how important video marketing is to any marketing campaign. We’ve dedicated entire posts to discuss the benefits they offer. And if you want your videos to be successful, you also know how important Facebook is. There were close to a billion active daily users in June 2015, and over 840 million active daily mobile users.

Luckily, Facebook is working hard to make it easier than ever for marketers to tweak and post their videos. Here are four Facebook updates that you need to know about:

Video marketers

If you’re going to spend a ton of money on video ads, they might as well be effective!


Better Metrics

Facebook has revamped its insights to give video marketers more information than ever. In addition to the powerful analytics that were previously available, you’ll also have this new information at your fingertips:

  • Metrics for content that has been shared from other pages.
  • Top videos broken down by a specific date range.
  • Page-level views.
  • 30-second page-level views.

These new analytics make it easier than ever to quickly identify which videos are working and which ones need to be touched up.


A ‘Video Library’ Feature

The handy new video library is a great way to quickly manage and tweak your existing videos. You’ll be able to filter your videos by a variety of analytics, like view count and engagement. You can then tweak the videos on the fly, changing things like the description and view count to try and boost viewership.


Improved Ranking Factors

Previously, Facebook would promote videos via its news feed based on only select criteria: comments, likes, and shares. Now, however, they’re also incorporating important metrics like length of video viewed, how often the sound is turned on, and how often the video is changed into a full-screen display.

This means that making quality videos is more important than ever. If you’re able to create something that quickly grabs attention, you’ll be able to parlay it into a lot more attention.


More Effective Video Ad Pricing Structure

All views aren’t created equally, and some views aren’t really views at all. Previously, Facebook determined a view occurred anytime a video played in someone’s timeline, even if it was an autoplay. Often times, viewers would see a video for a couple seconds, keep scrolling, and it would be considered a view. If you’re an advertiser paying for each view, this was a lot of money being thrown away on useless views.

Now, Facebook has finally decided to tweak this ad pricing structure. In the near future, a video will only be registered when a viewer has watched at least ten seconds of your video. These views, however, will come at a slightly higher rate.

This gives you the power to know exactly what you’re paying for and waste less of your advertising budget on useless views. You should take advantage by targeting extremely narrow, niche audiences and building content specifically for them. The viewers you do get will be hooked, and your fee for each view will be well spent.

If you need help keeping up with the latest social media and video strategies, make sure to give us a call here at Blue Wave Marketing. You can contact us by visiting us at our website or calling us at 617-576-3100.